I have taken many courses at OSU that are applicable to game development. It can be hard to fit all of my relevant coursework onto my resume so here is a list of the highlights from my experience at OSU (in order of course number).
- Differential Calculus - MTH251
- Integral Calculus - MTH252
- Vector Calculus - MTH254
- Data Structures - CS261
- Computer Architecture - CS271
- Analysis of Algorithms - CS325
- Introduction to Databases - CS340
- Introduction to Usability Engineering - CS352
- Introduction to Computer Networks - CS372
- Special Topics, Vulkan - CS419
- Operating Systems 2 - CS444
- Introduction to Computer Graphics - CS450
- Computer Graphics, Shaders - CS457
- Introduction to Data Visualization - CS458
- Introduction to Parallel Programming - CS475
- Skills for Simulation and Game Programming - CS491
- Cloud Application Development - CS493
- Special Topics, Computer Animation - CS499